To bless this kind earth... and yourself
Now that we're over the worst of summer (and it really was the pits, with extreme heat-waves, temps in the 40℃'s and drought) and had some lovely rain to break the heat and drought, I'm enjoying time...
View Article16 Signs You’re Dating A Gardener
He can’t stay over because he has to get up early. No really. He wants to be up at sunrise to start planting.He wears overalls in a non-ironic way.Her motto is “no truck, no luck.”It looks like he’s...
View ArticleIs there something wrong with my cycad?
Cycad - Cycas revoluta (Sago Palm)I'm a bit worried. More than a bit actually. My Cycad (C. revoluta) is not looking so well. Above is a picture taken last winter, July 2015, and he was growing in...
View ArticleLife's treasured moments
A treasured moment - my Rattail Cactus flowering on a window sill::
View ArticleAgapanthus beauty
This past summer my Agapanthus praecox put up a beautiful show and the more I stole the flowers for vases, the more they produced.This species makes excellent cut flowers. Cut flowers, whether...
View ArticleThe dustbin chicks
One of Solly’s hens (one of only 4 left after a mysterious disease killed about 20 of his chickens) hatched out six little chicks, leaving another 11 eggs un-hatched when she left the nest at about...
View ArticleJust before winter, tightly packed
Take some Echeverias (E. imbricata), plant too many in one terracotta pot, have lots of rain and you have a scene of each plant doing its best to be the biggest!I have found E. imbricata to be a fast...
View ArticlePraying Mantids in my garden
Camera : Fuji FinePix 2800Zoom Taken in my garden, Tarlton, Gauteng, South AfricaOver the year the visitors to the garden vary according to the season, the weather, the heat, rain, food, shelter,...
View ArticleStriped Grass Mouse
Besides beautiful flowers, gardening brings so many other pleasures! Visiting and resident birds, other wildlife like hedgehogs, tortoises, guinea fowl, partridges, bees and other insects, the odd...
View ArticleSyzygium australe
Syzygium australe, with many common names that include brush cherry, scrub cherry, creek lilly-pilly, creek satinash, and watergum, is a rainforest tree native to eastern Australia. It can attain a...
View ArticleOh! For such a garden!
The Story of a Gardenby Mabel Osgood Wright (1859-1934)There is a garden that is not like the other gardens round about. In many of these gardens the flowers are only prisoners, forced to weave...
View ArticleCoprinus comatus - Shaggy Mane
Suddenly appearing in people’s lawns (these two in my chicken enclosure) — in troops or lines or rings — this mushroom is well known and relatively easily recognized. Its distinguishing features...
View ArticleCan you spot the fungus?
I presume these are Bracket Fungi even though they looked like mushrooms when starting out, almost indistinguishable from the rocks, but they are rock hard and sturdy, like most Brackets. Like all...
View ArticleWinter - Fire and Ice
Aloe ferox in my gardenMid-winter (July) in South Africa and the Aloes flower fiery-red against the white of frost. I've been dreading the frost, as some years it has killed all the flowers in the bud....
View ArticleWhat a winter!
Winter is winter, I know, and why anything surprises me is a good question! But this year the seasons have been extremely peculiar. Unlike South Africa's weather, sunny, warm, clear blue skies, even in...
View ArticleStaying inspired
I don't know about you, but it can be hard to stay inspired this time of the year. It's cold outside. It gets dark really early. And gets light really late. I'm an early riser and, as much as I love...
View ArticleSpring is in the air! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪♪ in every sight and every sound!
Finally the garden is waking up! The first signs that winter was at an end, were the Clivias, followed by just about all the succulents, each one revelling in the fact that it is spring!Pleiospilos...
View ArticleIn a garden one is making memories
Probably most of us have been in a garden on a particular day and time and felt a rush of well-being – of joy, being recharged, uplifted, a sense of healing, being in tune with the infinite. Gardens...
View ArticleA week of gardening ideas
It's Spring! and time for cleaning out, re-organising, re-vamping and generally just getting inspired! Many of my succulents are now starting to outgrow their pots and the time has come for me to start...
View ArticleWhere is the best place to plant a succulent garden?
Summer is here and there's lots of work to be done in the garden. If, like me, you're thinking of starting a succulent garden, read what "Random Harvest Nursery" has to say about this...Where the light...
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