I don’t remember planting this
I don’t remember planting this. One day when I looked, there it was. And I had no idea what it was, but it was beautiful, so I decided to investigate.And another one hereIt turned out to be Silky...
View ArticleIt's Agapanthus time!
Every summer I look forward to the few Agapanthus (A. praecox) that I have, flowering. I say “few”, because I struggle to grow these beauties in my garden (Tarlton, Gauteng, South Africa) – too much...
View ArticleA Merry gardening Christmas 2015!
There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling! Hope you have a wonderful gardening Christmas this 2015! And...
View ArticleThe last day of the year 2015
The last day of a year that has flown by much too fast. I intended doing so much and can't believe that 365 days weren't enough for me to do what I wanted to do! Amongst others, I wanted to build a...
View ArticleEcheverias in summer
What can be more wondrous and soothing than the soft patter of rain on a roof? After a terrible few weeks of a horrible heatwave, we've at last had a lot of rain and my Echeveria imbricata are...
View ArticleI've done the unthinkable!
My 1982 Bonsai spending summer on my patioWell, I've done the unthinkable! I have planted my Natal Fig bonsai (Ficus natalensis) into the garden. I got him as a 3-year old in 1982 and for 33 years I've...
View ArticleFarm talk - Surrounded by Karee's
The front entrance of my home, densely framed by two species of Karee’s – Karee viminalis (White Karee) and Karee lancea (black Karee) and various indigenous grasses and aloes.I’ve had a couple of...
View ArticleRe-use your egg shells
Being the natural "hoarder that I am, I find it very difficult to throw anything away, so I have been using egg shells in various ways throughout the years. I'm also a bit Obsessive Compulsive, I just...
View ArticleSedum rubrotinctum
Sedum rubrotinctum has small, glossy, bead-like leaves that take on a reddish hue in full sun. In a climate with very strong sun this Sedum needs light shade. Leaves tend to drop off the sprawling...
View ArticleFickle (and no, it’s not a plant!)
Fickle Marijuana plantI sit here before the world, a very fickle person. Somehow I thought that I would be able to quit having so many blogs (I’ve got 28!), keeping only those important to me and...
View ArticleMy little green cactus
My little green cactus stands out there on the balcony,What do I need red roses for, what do I need red poppies for?And if some rascal says something ill-mannered,Then I get my cactus and it pricks,...
View ArticleMommy Bobby and her clutch of 10
Mommy Bobby, one of Solly’s hens, chose to make her nest under a truck canopy lying on the lawn in the workshop area of our business (Tarlton, Gauteng, South Africa), waiting to be fitted on one of the...
View ArticleAloe striatula
Family: AloaceaeGenus: Aloe (AL-oh)Species: striatula (stree-AT-yew-luh) From the wilds of South Africa comes this amazing species with upright stalks of 1" wide, dark green foliage. In warmer...
View ArticleWhat is a garden without Vygies?
Lampranthus roseus – Red vygie, MesembryanthemumMesembryanthemum (meaning “midday flowering”) is a genus of flowering plants native to Southern Africa. This easy-to-grow and hardy evergreen succulent...
View ArticleThe garden of your mind
Your mind is like a garden:Whatever you plant will grow.Your thoughts are seeds you're planting:They produce, each after its kind.And you, just like a gardener,Can choose which seeds you'll plant.And...
View ArticleHave a wonderful weekend!
Here's wishing you a weekend filled with wonderful gardening!::
View ArticleMom-to-be
It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it! From the television show ‘The Golden Girls’Another one of Solly’s hen’s (she’s four months old now), has made herself at home in my...
View ArticleConnecting with your bliss
The above pic is my 'Money plant' (as I know it, possibly Plectranthus verticilatus), intertwined with some ivy, hanging from a patio beam. The story goes that, if it dies, so does all your wealth....
View ArticleIt's finally happened - and a strange phenomena
The dead White Karee in my garden that I've been threatening to cut down, has finally happened. The hold-up was that the birds absolutely loved it. They would catch the early-morning sun from the top...
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