I’m absolutely crazy about cacti and succulents and never miss a chance to lay my hands on a new specimen not yet in my collection. This is Haworthia minima and I am thrilled that it's now making a...
View ArticleKiepersol (Cabbage Tree) - Cussonia paniculata
Trees are beautiful in their peace, they are wise in their silence. They will stand after we are dust. They teach us, and we tend them. - Galeain ip Altiem MacDunelmorThe Kiepersol in my bathroom...
View ArticleAutumn is on the way
Life without a garden would be empty Klisgras (Setaria verticillata) As the weather pulses cold and warm and cold again, it is apparent that autumn is close here in Gauteng. For some time I have...
View ArticleRain, rain, so much rain...
This month is ordinary magic. And rain... Working in the garden brings so much peace...So wet, so much rain...Soaked to the core...Holding on to every drop ...Arums just love all the rain ...Water...
View ArticleThe gorgeous jewels of nature
After almost 3 weeks of solid rain, we had a weekend filled with sunshine - time to take stock of the garden! Three weeks ago the garden started looking wintry, but after all the rain my garden is a...
View ArticleLavender in your garden
Whether grown directly in the garden or in pots, Lavender is such a romantic flower that every gardener sooner or later succumbs to the urge to grow it. The fact that it is a native of the...
View ArticleToo much rain!
I never thought I would EVER utter those words - too much rain. For a gardener there can never be such a thing as too much rain!But my garden has been flooded with rain over the past 3 weeks and...
View ArticleAutumn setting in
Slowly the season is changing - leaves are colouring and dropping and our beautiful autumn temperatures of low-twenties celsius has started. Bright sunshine, gorgeous balmy days, my favourite season of...
View ArticleApril in the garden
It seems the rains have gone now and we're settling into the gorgeous Autumn days I thought was never going to come. We've had some really cold spells, as if Mother Nature was going to skip autumn and...
View ArticleAloe marlothii
One of the most stunning plants in Africa is the Aloe marlothii. It is found from sea level to high hills in South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Mozambique. The plant usually grows to a...
View ArticleYou just gotta love garden tools!
I just absolutely love garden tools and garden sheds and watering cans! I have about 17 watering cans and I just cannot by-pass a set of hand tools in the garden shops! I do have my favourites that I...
View ArticleAutumn respite
The days are cooler, some actually cold and gardening has almost come to a stand-still, consisting mostly of clearing leaves, neatening borders and fixing up messes made by the chickens. The Marigolds...
View ArticleAloe ferox - a healing wonder
Aloe ferox (also known as Bitter Aloe) is a plant indigenous to one province in South Africa, and nowhere else on earth! There are over 100 species of aloe in South Africa, but Aloe ferox is the one...
View ArticleA list of things for gardeners to do in the real world
It's cold outside, the garden is resting and I'm waiting for the aloes to flower. In the meantime, here is some sound advice..
View ArticleWeeping Anthirucum (Chlorophytum saundersaie)
Wow! We've experienced the first REAL cold of the season, last night temperatures dropped to 3℃ and this morning the lawn was absolutely white, covered in frost. I feel like covering my garden in one...
View ArticleA melt-down and a broken heart
I've had a melt-down. And I've got a broken heart. And so have my girls.First, the melt-down. My girls have absolutely ruined my garden! In about two years they've reduced it to a barren landscape with...
View ArticleEchinopsis cactus
Family: CactaceaeSubfamily: CactoideaeTribe: TrichocereeaeGenus: EchinopsisEchinopsis grows pretty much anywhere. Here in South Africa they can tolerate summer temperatures of 30°C or greater, which is...
View ArticleIce and sunshine
O sweet spontaneous earth how often have the doting fingers of purient philosophers pinched and poked thee,has the naughty thumb of science prodded thy beauty.how often have religions...
View ArticleWinter and a few great garden ideas
It's a severe winter, I've only got one Aloe ferox that has managed to flower, the other two have succumbed to the frost.So, if like me you're staying indoors but still have the gardening creative...
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