"In search of my mother's garden I found my own."
-Alice Walker
It's hello to a new year and January always seems to be a quiet month with nothing much to do except for cutting the lawn three times a week! and watching the garden grow. So I hung up a couple of garden ornaments and decided to put in some Marigolds. They always provided welcome splashes of colour.
Some flowers I painted on a square of glass
Some knick-knacks I attached to a circle of wire
The Weavers were going strongly at their nest building, even though I thought it was a bit late in the season. But they're a joy to watch, so I never complain!
I just love it when lots of rain brings beautiful mushrooms to the garden. Then Chrissie gets strict instructions not to disturb them and to mow around them.
I also decided to plant some Nasturtiums near the Marigolds as well as in pots. I thought it might be a bit late in the season, but these grow so quickly that I decided to take the chance.
And it wasn't long before the seedlings were already sprouting their first flowers! I decided to keep one or two in pots and the rest were transplanted out into the garden.
And so our hottest month of the year came quietly to an end. In the next couple of weeks it will just be a last sprinkling of compost and some final trimming before Autumn sets in and my garden starts slowing down, getting ready for her well-deserved winter rest.