At just on 5 months old (20 weeks), Snookums rushed into my Studio shortly after I let the girls out of the coop and headed straight for Kiep's old nest box on one of my art tables. After a lot of inspecting, scratching, packing and organising the grass neatly, she settled down to the serious business of laying.
For the fact that it was her first egg, it was quick, painless and smooth! I was expecting a lot of grunting and groaning, like with Missy's first egg, but before I could wipe my eyes, there it was, in all its glory!
At first she stood quietly, as if contemplating whether the deed is finished or not, with a bit of a surprised look on her face.
Then she burst into cackling, proclaiming her proud achievement to the world!
After I pointed to the egg and asked her, "What's that?", she duly started inspecting the miracle she had just created, touching the egg gingerly and looking at it from all angles. She spent quite some time with her treasure before jumping down and heading towards the garden, in full cackle.