"Let each and all then grateful be
And hail a welcome guest in tea."
- Samuel Pepys
The pleasures of a cup of tea is known the world over. Find a comfy chair and pour yourself a spot of tea, preferably near a sun drenched open window, and revel in the sweet cakes and pastries to go with it.

Take a friend out for Afternoon Tea this week! It will be good for both of you! Nothing beats a cup of tea to promote good health and mental well being. Imagine that a little cup of tea can bring a smile to your face, warming your spirit and keeping your mind and body happy! We've all heard of the antioxidant benefits now consider the fact that going out to tea will boost your immune system by relieving stress! When was the last time you went to a quiet enjoyable lunch with a friend and really took time to listen?
The Preparation of tea is an elaborate affair and taken very seriously in tea drinkers' circles. The perfect cup or pot of tea is determined by the following factors:
• Type of tea
• Amount of tea leaves
• Water quality
• Water temperature
• Steep time
Type of Tea
The amount of tea leaves, water temperature and steep time depend on the type of tea to be infused, whether it is black tea, green tea, oolong, white tea, fruit blend, or an herbal infusion.
Amount of Tea Leaves
Using a teaspoon in your utensil drawer may result in tea that is too weak or too strong, since these teaspoons are not necessarily a standard teaspoon measure. Be sure to use a standard measure to measure your tea leaves, such as a Tea Measure Spoon. When making tea you haven't tried before, start by following the package directions and adjust the amount of tea leaves to taste the next time you make it. A rule of thumb is that fluffy teas, such as white teas, will require more of the leaves for making your infusion.
Water quality
Always be sure to use fresh water that is either filtered from the tap or bottled.
Water temperature
Black teas, herbal infusions, and fruit blends are hearty enough to stand up to boiling water. Oolongs, green teas, and white teas will be scalded if boiling water is used, which results in an infusion that is bitter and un-drinkable.
Steep Time
Black teas, herbal infusions, and fruit blends take longer to infuse and for the flavor to fully develop. Oolongs, green teas, and white teas are more delicate and will get bitter if steeped too long.

And, of course, the crockery and cutlery are of major importance. Drinking tea out of fine porcelain is one of the world's great pleasures. Drinking tea out of a thick mug or tin can only be tolerated under the most dire circumstances, like being on a camping trip and even then, preferably, it would have to be coffee, and not tea!
Throwing a tea bag into just any old cup and quickly pouring on boiling water and then filling up with milk is total sacrilege. Most English people I know have this ritual of steeping the tea (leaves) in a tea pot, and after the customary amount of time, pouring the milk first and then the tea.
Afternoon Tea at the Ritz in London is certainly a grand affair, for which you have to make a reservation. They have Afternoon Tea menus, absolutely scrumptious, Chocolate Afternoon Tea and Celebration Afternoon Tea and they are a member of the Tea Council's prestigious Tea Guild.

Tea at the Ritz, London
The pastries and accompaniments to serving tea are equally important and part of the ritual. Setting your tea table with your best tea pot and cutlery can be an exciting and fulfilling exercise and baking the pastries and biscuits yourself gives it a special, unique touch.

Exquisite cutlery for the perfect tea party

3-Tier biscuit tray
And, of course, a special tea towel is a must, embroidered or appliquéd (by yourself, naturally!) with vintage 19th Century French tea towels being at the top of the list.

Tea towel embroidered with a sprig of Lavender
Royal Tea
Beginning with a glass of Pear Sparkler,
Freshly baked Scone with
Clotted Cream & Lemon Curd,
Petit Soup du Jour,
A selection of Seasonal Tea Sandwiches
with Assorted Savouries & Sweet Delights
Tea of your choice
Cream Tea
Freshly baked Scones with
Clotted Cream & Lemon Curd,
Strawberry Preserves &
Tea of your choice
Full Tea
Beginning with a
Freshly baked Scone with
Clotted Cream & Lemon Curd,
Petit Soup du Jour,
A selection of Tea Sandwiches
with Assorted Savories & Sweet Delights
Tea of your choice
Child's Tea
~ 10 and under ~
Peanut Butter & Jam Sandwich
with fresh fruit, home baked Cookies,
Lemonade or Chocolate Milk
Call your girlfriend this week and take care of each other's mind and spirit over a good cup of tea!
(Some pics scanned from a 1979 'Victoria' magazine)