This is Missy, the newest addition to my menagerie in my Studio. She has the most gorgeous grey marbled feathers, and the cutest little hat on her head. From cross-Bantam-Silkie stock, she has the typical gentle nature of a Silkie but with a bit of that Bantam audacity!
She was sick for a couple of days, so I brought her inside to tend to her and now, after a full recovery, she has also chosen the studio as her second home, a place to come and rest for a while, and to lay her eggs under a table hosting some of my art equipment.
She’s also very taken with Artemis, Kiep’s husband, and the three of them will spend hours together while he scratches up some tit-bits for them.
Artemis keeping a watchful eye on all his hens (that’s Missy hiding there behind his tail feathers).